Gilroy's m59 Reference

Advanced Building

Advanced techniques to build a character
by Arkblade 101/102

This FAQ is built on my own personal experience with a particular set of statistics and build process. If it is altered too much, the results will vary. In addition, the total cost of building this character was approximately 1.4 million shillings, not including the times I spent farming particular reagents for certain spells.

30 might
30 Intellect
40 Stamina
30 Agility
45 Mysticism
25 Aim

Note – I chose Bless, Relay, and Glow from the creation screen.

Building Kraanan
I spent less than 90k from level 1 to level 4 and got most PvP spells to 80% and the other spells I improved here and there. 4th level gave me more difficulties because of the seemingly reduced improve rates of Mana Bomb and Discordance. I spent nearly 150k getting these spells to 80%, plus I farmed orc teeth for Mend which also went to 80% by mending torches in the mendor’s shop of Tos. I bought a total of 700 BDS before hand which cost approximately 170k, so I was able to get AoG and Resist Magic to 80%. I also cranked out Killing Fields to 80% but that was much easier and cheaper to do. I forgot that I only took a 30 intellect, so I had to decide weather I would but 6th level Kraanan or 6th level Weaponcraft later on. I decided to go with 6th level Weaponcraft. So Kraanan was done and it took me 2 weeks of solid dedication to the character to finish and spent right around 400k … however, he is decent with all PvP orientated spells and pretty good at most of the others.

This is pretty straight forward here. I built as fast as I could and only got the bare minimums to achieve the next level. In the process I maxed out all the PvP useful skills up to 4th level. I worked on archery until I could buy disarm. Incidentally, I did get my Fire to 99% but I left Archery at 70%. I dabbled with Disarm a bit and got it to 40%, but I got bored and decided to move on. Weaponcraft produced 126 hit points for this character and I made approximately 170k to further fund my building resources. I spent approximately 1 month doing Weaponcraft (give or take a few days).

Note – In the process of building Weaponcraft, I died twice. Once was to a pker (will go unnamed here) and once was to the ghost in the Throne Room. Both times, I got my Kraanan spells back up to 80% because I was bored with Weaponcraft … so I might have spent the money I made while doing my skills, I honestly don’t remember.

Building Qor
I farmed probably more than 1000 entroot berries in preparations for Qor. 1st and 2nd level ate them up very greedily but I brought every spell in 1st and 2nd level to 99% (with the help of a rose --- thanks to Akkasri). 3rd level was much easier, I bought teeth to max Enfeeble instead of farming. Vampiric Drain was a difficult spell to get to 99%, as was Poison Fog … both seemed to get harder after about 70%. I spent quite a bit of money trying to max these spells. Defile I got to 31% and abandoned due to boredom. On to 4th level … ugh! I bought all the spells except for Curse Weapon. Only spells I actually worked were Hold, Shali’llebane, and of course Splash of Acid. I spent tons of money here … probably in the neighborhood of 400k. I bought tons of DAFs at this stage. I would say I bought probably 600 or more and farmed at least 500. For 5th level, I only bought Blind, Deathlink, and Invisibility. I got each one of these spells to 99% and bought Gaze of the Basilisk. Getting to this point took me nearly 3 and a half weeks. Getting Gaze to 79% took me a week to do (and 79% is where it’s at right now). This is where the character is now.

126 hit points / 5th Kraanan / 6th Weaponcraft / 6th Qor

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