Gilroy's m59 Reference
Creature: Lupogg King


The ancient King of the Lupoggs lords over these dark caves, knowing no creature to be its equal. The rock walls rumble and shake whenever this monstrosity wails. You feel as though you have already outlived most people who encounter the Lupogg King, but that thought does not comfort you any.

Lupogg King

Best Weapon(s): Nerudite Sword

Note about Lupogg King. Nerudite swords are the only weapon/dedication he doesn't shrug off. - Darkl/Hoosta (101)

Rook says, "There is but one way to attack the Lupogg King, and that is with numbers. Send in different leads to engage him, and pull those warriors back when they become wounded."

Special Attacks:

The Lupogg King's attacks have a chance of holding you for a long duration of time - "The lupogg king covers you in a foul paralyzing slime!". Cast Free Action before engaging him alone. - Sock Puppet


The Smuggler's Crossing

Type: Neutral

Hit Point Max: 150

Karma: 0

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