Gilroy's m59 Reference
Weapon: Sword of Riija


Before your very eyes, dark and weird runes shift slightly on this deadly weapon. Some of the runes say, "Let PLAYER NAME walk with faith.

Sword of Riija

To get to the Riija Temple and the Monk of Riija, a player will first need to do the quest to obtain the four shards that make up the Sword of Riija.

You must equip this weapon in your hands to be able to walk across the invisible bridge that spans the gap over the crashing waves below the Riija Temple. If you are not holding the weapon, you will fall...

...and if you do fall - make sure you return to the invisible bridge to see if you dropped anything! Something may be left behind on the surface of the invisible bridge [pick it back up by pressing get!].

As a weapon, The Sword of Riija is much better than scimitar. It has good damage, an infinite enchantment, and good range.

It cuts through stone creatures like a knife through butter, and is based off of Short Sword Fighting, and is dependent on the AIM stat.

It can be a highly effective way of building Short Sword Fighting- it will cause Kriipas to stagger, also allowing you build your hit points up to 150.

If the Sword of Riija is shattered it won't totally vanish. It will break up and you will have 3 shards left in your inventory.

The Sword of Riija is self-mending - it will gradually mend itself whenever it is not in use.

The Sword of Riija performs like a long-distance short-sword, and has the strength of a Kraanan dedicated weapon. It cannot be dedicated further to another school.

Riija Sword Quests

As of the 10/3/2002 mini-patch:
* Riija sword only vaultable by the original questor.
* Riija sword will not disappear when rooms clean themselves up.
* Riija swords practically never hit unless wielded by original questor.
* Made Riija swords not break in the hands of someone besides the original owner.

Mendable: No
Enchantable: No
Protection vs Magic: No
Magical Find: No

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