These mysterious creatures cast many spells, so warriors and mages alike be wary when you find one, for your death will be quick and painful if you're caught alone.
The Xeochicatl drop valuable heartstones, which can be used inside rented rooms (for storage chests) or for powerful spells like bond (Shal. 6)to keep items attached to you after you die.
They drop blue heartstones when destroyed.
Special Attacks:
The Ma'xeochicatl are fast and are known to cast hold and shatter.
Player Comments:
Ok, you can drop Xeo's in places where you can harm others...basically anywhere unsafe =) I think it takes about 2 minutes for a Xeo to appear once the heartstone is dropped.. and yah they cast spells, hit hard, etc.. so don't fight unless your a confident player =\ *
[this feature no longer works - keeping here for posterity ]
-- Elfin of OCB (104)
Mana Nodes throughout the game world.
You will receive a purple text notification in the chat/game window, along with a sound effect, that says "you have an uneasy feeling" about one of the mana nodes you connected with. If you did not connect to the mana node they are attacking, you won't receive this notification.
If the location of the Xeo's is not found, you will receive one final notice that tells you exactly what room they are in. Hurry - this means you only have a few minutes left to kill them.
If you don't kill enough of the Xeo's in time, the mana node will be drained - you'll either temporarily lose mana from it, or completely "sever your connection", meaning you will have to reconnect with it when it's available again. The mana node itself will appear lifeless and you won't be able to "Use" it for a few days.
Have shadow form (Riija 1) or invisibility (Qor 5 or the ring of invis.) on yourself before engaging the Xeochicatl in combat - fight them one by one and use "wall" spells if you have them. These two buffs are more crucial than any other enchantment. To fight them without these buffs endangers not only yourself, but all the players around you. If you have Shadow Form, cast it on others in your party.
If other players do enter the area without these spells, be careful - it may cause the Xeo's around you to begin casting fire and lightning walls.
Also helpful is Eagle Eyes (Kran 4) for their blinds, and Resist Magic (Kran 5) for their elemental attacks.
Fight the Xeo's away from the entrance/exit area to the map they are located in, or it will make it more difficult for other players (and yourself) if you need to retreat then re-enter.
Immortal Creation Only - Current as of February, 2011. Xeochicatl raids on mana nodes can be turned on or off by the Admin. of the game at any time however.
Type: Neutral
Hit Point Max: 150
Karma: 0