Gilroy's m59 Reference
Creature: Groundworm Queen


The largest of the groundworms, the queen is a feared monster. After growing over long periods of time, groundworms need increasing amounts of food to sustain themselves. The queens are driven mad by an overwhelming desire to consume food to satiate their immense hunger. Occasionally groundworm queens lay eggs in corpses that hatch into groundworm larva.

Groundworm Queen

If they are hiding from you, you can instigate all of the groundworm creatures to attack by going near their red dot/location on the map, then pound them from above with a blunt weapon such as the mace or hammer.

Special Attacks:

Nothing special - but the Groundworm Queen is an angry mother, fast and aggressive.


Badlands 2 - to get here, you must jump across a ledge in the Badlands towards the edge of the screen.

You will see the cliff edge and path to the second screen of the Badlands when first entering the room - it will be above you on the left.


This is a great area to build hit points quietly.

The Groundworm Queen drops flawless Plate Armor and is a weaker and safer alternative to the Ghost of Far'Nohl.

Type: Evil

Hit Point Max: 130

Karma: 30

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