Gilroy's m59 Reference
Creature: Fey Dirhai


Dark, mischievious and ultimately malicious, these imps have but one goal-to bring the Qulicia wood into permanent darkness, so they can claim the Vale of Sorrows as their own. They hate their kinsmen, the fey elhai, with a fervent passion.

Fey Dirhai

Fey Elhai and Fey Dirhai possess an innate resistance to magical attacks.

Attacking Fey Elhai or Dirhai will cause a "war" to break out between the two Feys - they will look for and aggro on one another on the map. The Feys do not actually do any damage to each other - their fighting only keeps them busy while you choose your target.


Quilicia Wood, Lower Dirhadrim, Dirhadrim, Lower Elhardim, Elhadrim, The Vale of Sorrows, The Fey's Crossing, North Quilicia Wood

Type: Evil

Hit Point Max: 60

Karma: 50

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