Gilroy's m59 Reference
Creature: Dragonfly Queen


The other dragonflies seem to revere this oddly colored female. She looks up at you out of curiosity or hunger, you are not sure which.

Difficulty: 6
Speed: Fast
Attack: Pierce
Resist/Weakness: -10 magical weapon, -20 fire, -25 cold, -40 shock, +25 nerudite, +40 thrust
Kocatan Name: kohuzotz
Location: Ko'catan Jungle and The Hive.

Dragonfly Queen

The Dragonfly Queen originates from one area in the Ko'catan Jungle - "The Hive". She is usually found near the center of the map on a stone pillar, surrounded by aggressive dragonflies.

This is the only creature in the game which can be fed food from the player's inventory. This is necessary to "tame" her in order to complete the Mad Scientist sub-quest to get a shard of the Riija Sword.

To feed the queen, offer her any food - the most common choice is the meat pie due to their abundance in the jungle creature's loot drops.

When the Queen is fed, she will become docile and follow the player, attacking whatever creature (or player) attacks their "master". Feeding her more than once is not necessary once she is already following you.

The player can also begin attacking the Queen to make her go "aggro", and instigate her movement pattern. After this, she can be fed once more to make her stop attacking.

Dragonfly Queens can be collected and placed in Guild Halls for use as a "guard".

Type: Good

Hit Point Max: 145

Karma: 40

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